Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

Lowell Red Arrows Turn Pink to Raise Money in Fight Against Cancer

Jeff Fisher
High School Football America

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and that's why you see a lot of pink being worn at sporting events.

Last month, myself and High School Football America host Trish Hoffman traveled to Lowell, Michigan for the Red Arrows' annual Pink Arrow Pride game against Kenowa Hills.  The community of Lowell, which has a population of approximately 4,000, turned completely pink for the game that so far has raised $187,000 this year.

With players donning pink jersey, Lowell is a perfect 3-0 in the third Pink Arrow Pride games.  The Red/Pink Arrows have outscored their opponents 143-0.

This truly is an event that should go to the national stage.  More schools should join-in and have one day each season when a large number of teams put-on-the-pink to battle their opponents and cancer.