Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Friday Night High School Football Scores

by Jeff Fisher
High School Football America

Back from an incredible night in Rockville, Indiana!

Aside from meeting great people, I got to meet former Rox player Matt Kinsey, who was on the sidelines coaching his former team tonight against Covington High, just two months after losing his foot while serving his country in the military in Afghanistan.

Words cannot possible begin to describe what I saw tonight, but I was able to capture it all on video for a story that you'll see on High School Football America this week.  Kinsey, who is fully mobile on a prosthetic foot was honored before the game in a moving ceremony.

To make the night complete, the Rox beat Covington 20-6.

For all of the scores from around America tonight, click on the links below...

Alabama Scores
Alaska Scores
Colorado Scores
Florida Scores
Georgia Scores
Hawaii Scores
Indiana Scores
Illinois Scores
Iowa Scores
Kentucky Scores
Michigan Scores
Mississippi Scores
Missouri Scores
Montana Scores
Nebraska Scores
New Mexico Scores
North Carolina Scores
Ohio Scores
South Carolina Scores
Tennessee Scores
Texas Scores
Utah Scores