High School Football America

Now hold-on, I haven't lost my mind! And, I'm not talking about spring practice.
The imaginary high school football season in the town of Dillon, Texas on NBC's Friday Night Lights kicks-off April 30th, and I for one couldn't be more excited! And, yes, I know that Season 4 of FNL has already aired on DirectTV.
But, for those of us without a dish, we can't wait to see what happens as Eric Taylor (actor Kyle Chandler) takes over the reigns of newly re-opened East Dillon High School.
And, as a matter of full disclosure, I'm a recent convert to this great drama that seems to always have the specter of TV executives holding an ax over its head because of a lack of ratings.
Check-out my Friday Night Lights confession on my High School Football America Blog.
So, with the Season 4 season opener about five weeks away, check-out a behind-the-scenes video shot for DirectTV.